Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yoga in a halmet?

Monday night was my first practice with the New Hampshire Roller Derby!  I don't remember the last time things just felt so right.  But OMG my mind is blown.  Sometimes I felt like even though I had never been there, I needed to know what to do.  I will... I'm a fast learner.

But what made me laugh the most was when someone told us what yoga pose we were doing.  In quads, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and helmet (mouth guard was optional).  Yoga is supposed to be graceful.  I know someday I too will be graceful on my skates... but maggie + quads and gear + yoga = messy pretzel!

When I got there Hazel made me feel really welcome, and then Betty gave us fresh meat name tags for our helmets!  I'm told she stayed up forever the night before making them.  They are HAND DRAWN T-bone steaks with our names on it.  And she actually fit my full name in mine!  When I get my derby name I'm going to mount and frame that steak!

So anyways, we got into Roller Kingdom and started handing in info while putting on gear, then all of the sudden I looked up and people were skating, and someone yelled "practice has started, everyone should be skating!"  Wha?!?  you want me to get out there and skate with them?  Yes, I know.  I'm now official, that means get your ass out there and skate!

So skate we did, then yoga, then introductions (please don't give me a test!), then fresh meat and a few others went off to skate.  We did stops... derby stance (omg my bum!)... knee stops (falls)... rock star falls... plow stops... and swimming with our skates.  Then we got with the big girls again and skated in a line.  Supposed to be within arms reach of the person in front of you... yeah, that never worked for me.  I need to become more aware of my surroundings.  I tried.  Then we watched whips and then practiced some more before scrimmage.  And I think my night was made when Trixie remembered me (and my name!) and told me I was doing great.  God, these women are like rockstars!  Yes, I know, I will be too.  I just... wow, I can not believe I've joined this group of such strong, amazing, nice, and awesome women!

THAT was amazing!  Someday I AM going to be like that.

Then I had to scoot.  But more practice tomorrow.   This feels so right.  I'm sooooooo happy!

Oh and check out the team webpage!  I'm on it!!!!


Unknown said...

You'll get there. I can't wait to start.

Gina said...

Keep it up lady. I was in the same spot as you two years ago! You WILL get there. Us redheads have to stick together :)